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Hong Kong - Shanghai International Laboratory for Science and Finance

The Hong Kong – Shanghai International Laboratory of Science and Finance is one of the key elements of the Foundation’s science, innovation and finance talent cultivation and research system. The Foundation will work with its partners to promote the construction of the Laboratory and realize its development vision of “one base, one platform, and one belt“.

One base: to build a base to support the cultivation of science and innovation financial talents and think tank research, to transport science and innovation talents and to contribute research results;
One platform: to build a platform to promote the interaction between science and technology enterprises and the financial industry, the integration of theory and practice, and to promote the connection between science and technology, innovation and financial resources, academic research and practical activities;
One belt: to develop a belt that is internationally oriented and gives full play to the advantages of the cooperation between Hong Kong and Shanghai in science and finance, focusing on the demand of science and innovation for financial services, and connecting the global development resources around the ecological construction of science and innovation financial system.